• Ebike battery charging cost calculator

    I have recently bought an ebike and to have a better context of the cost of charging the battery I have made this app with vue js Ebike Calculator https://ebikecalculator.ddns.net/

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  • Dns wildcard record for any address

    nip.io is a dns service that responds with an ip address to a simple dns question, following a very simple nomenclature. In the past there was the xip.io service but it has been shut down for a while and it can no longer be used This is very useful for deploying a named-based virtualhost server at your home or office. Having for example a server that has the address 10.

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  • Traefik, load balancer and service discovery

    Traefik is a simple and eficient load balancer that can be used at any environment, but if is used with docker or kubernetes can use the service discovery funcionality to allow you the deploy your services and it automaticaly discover all of your replicas and where are running

    Used with kubernetes, acts as a ingress controller ( version 1.7 ), so you can use the standard ingress manifest to deploy your services

    • Service discovery
    • Path routing
    • Letsencrypt integration

    At the last post k3s introduction I told that I was not going to install traefik because is more dificult to make changes on it, so now we are going to learn how to install and use it.

    At this point I indicate that to facilitate the dns resolution of the differents deployments we are going to use the nip.io domain, to allow us to call every deployment with dns its name and for that the ingress manifest must have a domain name.

    First we are going to install traefik 1.7 at our kubernetes cluster. We can do that with 2 approaches

    • As a Deployment so you can choose how many replicas are running at the cluster.
    • As a DaemonSet so one replica of traefik is running at every node of your cluster.

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  • Cert manager - kubernetes certificate operator

    cert-manager is the most used certificate operator for kubernetes. It can issue certificates from several sources, especially from letsencrypt but at this post, I am going to learn you how to use a personal CA certification authority to allow you to generate certificates on your LAB’s.

    First we need to install cert-manager on your kubernetes cluster

    kubectl apply -f https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.1.0/cert-manager.yaml

    Now we are going to verify the cert-manager is running

    root@zbox:~# kubectl -n cert-manager get po
    NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    cert-manager-webhook-578954cdd-wwzgg       1/1     Running   0          14d
    cert-manager-86548b886-cflh5               1/1     Running   1          14d
    cert-manager-cainjector-6d59c8d4f7-lgtv4   1/1     Running   1          14d

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  • K3s Introduction, a full kubernetes environment

    k3s.io is a full operating kubernets environment that can help you to run your deployments for example at your laptop. It is more lightweight than microk8s or minikube.

    K3s get its lightweight goal by removing features out of the Kubernetes binaries (legacy, alpha, and cloud-provider-specific features), also use containerd instead of docker, use sqlite3 as database instead of etcd.


    • k3s binary: 52Mb
    • containerd instead of docker
    • Helm Chart support
    • sqlite3 database ( support for other databases )
    • local storage class provisioner

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  • GitOps on kubernetes with Drone CI/CD

    Drone Ci/CD is a Continuous Integration platform very simple that allow to

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  • Gitlab Pages with Static Site Generators (Pelican)

    To create a static site in gitlab-pages you have to choose between the diferents Static Site Generator (SSG):

    As lnxnet.es was generated the first time with Pelican, this tutorial will be based on this SGG

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  • Tsuru Paas

    Tsuru, transforming the IT department into a service provider By vmalaga@gmail.com With extensive experience in production environments, first in unix environments and later with linux, I have seen a transformation in the way that the datacenters are managed and also how, from the production departments, the applications are implemented. Bare-metal In the pre-virtualization era, most applications were implemented in such a way that each application had an economic allocation to have its own server.

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